Diwali – Festival of Light

We celebrated Diwali by transforming the room, from classroom and lab, to a place where we could come together, meet people and travel using virtual reality, across the world.
Friday afforded the opportunity to showcase work from across the year, welcoming new visitors and updating friends on the experiences, projects and outcomes that have we have engaged with in the Global Languages & Cultures Room. Guests enjoyed authentic Indian cuisine from local restaurant Choolah, danced to music from DJ Stephanie Tsong and moved through a series of VR experiences.
Thank you to those that attended and supported the event. We couldn’t have done this without you. Firstly to Shirley Saldamarco and John Dessler from the ETC who transformed our room with a galaxy of lights and projections. Our student workers Yuxi and Alivia who guided guests and helped them with headsets and experiences. To the Modern Languages Dept’s Jaycie King who provides support for invites, food and much more. So many people chipped in and helped out. Truly a team effort.
Throughout the year we have hosted events to celebrate the room, but with Diwali, we reached higher, a much more ambitious project that we hope to replicate in the Spring 2020, with further support from the ETC.
If you want to find out more about our events, then sign up to our newsletter and follow us on twitter and Instagram. As one guest commented. “This is a room of marvels…truly transforming the way we see the world.” See you next time.

Memories of moments celebrated together. Moments that have been attached in my heart, forever. Make me Miss You even more this Diwali. Hope this Diwali brings in Good Fortune & Abounding Happiness for you!
